

8:30                  Poster Set-up and Light Breakfast

8:50                  Welcome

9:00                 The Stabilized Supralinear Network Model of Cortical Circuitry: The Importance of Being Loosely Balanced
Ken Miller, Columbia University

9:45                  Physiological Signatures of Memory
Tom McHugh
, Riken

10:30                Break

 11:00                Systematic, Normative Biases in Rare-event Inference with Few Observations
Tahra Eissa, University of Colorado, Boulder

11:20                  Flash Talks

11:35                 Poster Session and Lunch

1:00                  Inferring the Visual World from the Retinal Images is Actually Nontrivial
Alex Huk, University of Texas, Austin

 1:45                  Efficient and Flexible Internal Representations to Link Sensation and Action
Ann Hermundstad, Janelia Research Campus, HHMI

2:30               Coffee/Networking Break

3:00               A Directed Form of Synaptic Plasticity Underlies Hippocampal Representations
Jeff Magee, Baylor College of Medicine

3:45              Break

4:00              Keynote/Keck Seminar: Movements, Decisions, and Wholistic Behavior
Anne Churchland, Cold Spring Harbor

5:00               Poster Awards and Closing Remarks

Reception Following